Tuesday, September 24, 2024


   -really bad demons I live with

-stars putting it in their work in mass I am pregnant. And looking like I would have to raise the baby totally wrecking my life with maybe no help. DC Comics' Jenette Kahn with basically the power to do anything to me. And still years in to the future and all she needs to so is threaten with some company etc she has roped in to get out of it. She can get away currently with ANYTHING. Despite all I do with miracles. Because she has the power over the Church and Bibles and Phone and Internet companies. And without those it would mean no service or business could stay open. My massive stomach size and my now receding hair. Jesus maybe making my life difficult. More physical problems added etc as tine goes on . Now too tired to make a block really on my bike. Having to lay down my bike and clamber off it when I've been out on it. Threats of what the Anti-Christ and especially what those with miracle powers like the Second Beast could come up with for me. They will want the marriage to 'Lois' to stay to ensure their miracles. Lois as a wife a woman likely to vex me. In the end probably bringing her lover in to our home as much as she wants and socializing with  him in our family. Threats from Oz, DC Comics and a local man like Superman I will be torched. And I would become terrible and a 'creature of the night'. Stars putting it  mass most of the 80s music. I might get torched. I will be stuck with Lois. A wedding if it happened to all the world. My sons and family there with their good wives hating me. My high unpopularity I will have with my family but probably meant to talk where I can. Me messing up things with my mother Christine at Christmas time. My ugly looking body. Two good looking twin sons. At least one-like Bart Simpson-when we have met giving me signs he had sex with the local Lois. The gym instructor I had sex with maybe and her lover the Spotify Internet shot. Fear of dogs now like it was a dog that the based character Donna Troy might have disfigured . Threat of where the money is if my Support Staff leave. Me CONSTANTLY having to never run away from doing anything. Meaning I can almost never do dishes and other things effecting me and my flat mate. The Mexican guide in life I would have had but I messed up going to a Psychic. And it looks like he went to the man like Jughead. It looks like God and Jesus would take the worse people in my life to Heaven because they are good Christians and live good lives. The real threats of an Ultimate record deal messed up and going to another man. The problems that would cause me if it came out. The government after my home, him being treated like a golden boy , me maybe played as the bad guy and a fool, where my money would come from, the media approaching me where ever they want, me being really stuck in to by Jenette Kahn then. Especially if he was a New Zealand man Jenette Kahn and maybe Jesus wrecking an ultimate record deal, setting up company bans on me, saying how I must live my life maybe with nothing I like left to do, her coming around and doing what she likes to me all my life and her barring me from 300 much better songs I wrote hoping I could record them. The devastating to my life threats of a Winery and Archie channel put in the media. The series would make me look like scum and an idiot. If something happened to Lois another woman shunted in. If I have more children with my past they might be like everyone else and not really wanting anything to do to me. And if they saw the channels when they were born they would hate me. If I did became a star. Like still if I proved my story I would be a King with more problems. Having to go out on a live international news TV programs when the music came out. Me having to go to parties etc. Scared but expected to go out in public to stores etc. To me a lot of stars have harassed me on the streets and a lot won't want to really talk to me. The recent long periods I had when my computer wasn't working and I had to listen to the radio. My one shot at a marriage. Maybe to Spider-Man actor Tom Holland messed up by DC Comics, Jenette Kahn set up by DC Comics. The pressure of knowing all of the world's companies rely on me doing what I am told. My keep returning to press myself in my now damaged bed when I never get anywhere with it. My celebrity career ruined a few times maybe by big names. And me. Me making a fool of myself and messing up my life through a lot of it. Maybe a lot of that set up by others but they still turn people on me and cause me problems. Me every week repeating attempts of attacks on Heaven, stars or trying to launch the block of miracles. The very real threats all will turn on me and I will be treated savagely

 -a soap opera created on me since about November 1984

-I call it that like the series on our Earth. Because like the Days logo the hourglass. New Zealand's two main Islands are shaped like the upper and lower chambers. Tauranga is Salem. DAYS and LIVES like AGE  r

-maybe the main villains

-Jenette Kahn the comic book head- who has wrecked me recording my own songs. Maybe wrecked two marriages to males. Put me in a marriage with an adulterous Lois Lane style woman. Plans and has given me signals she plans to- torch me. Which makes me terrible. Set up my whole life to be grueling tragedy after the other. Like creating a legend. Now from what I see a mass of media works since 1979 are partly based on me. Dealing with themes like me being disfigured and my wife having public affairs. Has contracted a mass of important companies to close if I don't live like she wants. Including her and songs saying she has brought Phone and Internet companies in on it maybe meaning almost all would close. Song It's my Life by Talk Talk. Got a type of son set up to replace me when I would have been King of England when once I was going to do a mass of miracles for them. Tried to rig me eating a stick and having sex with a male, to get me pregnant and force me to raise the child. Has a dangerous hard direct style to her. In a column she wrote she said Lex Luthor gets put through the grinder. Flew across to Tauranga several times to harass me. With DC Comics paying for it. DC Comics VPs Jim Lee and Geoff Jones have also harassed me at a supermarket. Kahn interfered with two submission replies. Comments she has said in comics that show her character. Fair Warning (feature page title). Jenette Kahn read it on a flight back from England and loved it. The first thing Jenette Kahn does at a party is ask if the celebrity is a comic reader. Don't call me Chief (Column title)

-the woman I think the Church and Jenette Kahn have set me up with. Like Lois Lane. In the style of Posh Spice, Smallville, Lois and Clark. I know if the marriage got bad she would just wind up having public affairs. And unlike about any other woman in any marriage she would bring them in to the home. Sleep over night with them, have meals use the lounge etc. And involve her other boyfriend in family affairs. Two sort of paranormal events decades ago are like saying this. And saying God would just let  them in to Heaven. On a School camp in 1979 I was in a Cabin with several other boys. Over night I found myself out of my top bunk waking up on the concrete floor in the dark unhurt. Like being kicked out of our bedroom by her and her boyfriend. And at a night in New Zealand's biggest city Auckland in 1981. I spent the night alone in a very small Hotel room down the hall from my grandparents. Like saying when she brings her lover in I am sent to another room of the home. On that trip I bought the comic near the Hotel All-Star Squadron 5 introducing the new Fire-Brand. There was a girl my age looking like her sitting on the bottom of the stairs in the Reception. I think she might have gone to my High School, lived in my Road and been a Prostitute after school hours

-Jesus Christ- maybe got rid of two husbands Spider-Man actor Tom Holland and a man like or Coronation Street character David Platt (a man like me). The 101 Dalmatians toy reel I had when young. The male and female dog owners get WOUND up PLATT in their dog leashes and fall in to a POND HOLE LAND. At the end of the tape a Church Wedding then a distorted white gravestone shot with my initials in reverse on it 'AM'. When I got my super powerful miracle power. I repeated at MARINE PARADE over and over Bop Bup Bup. Like a row of sixes. Maybe that phase was used to show Jesus was joyful when he wrecked the marriage to the BUG actor. MARINE PARADE as in MARRYING PARKER actor. While still visiting Tauranga I asked a woman in a home like in Falcon Crest looking like character. ANGELA (HOLLAND) CHANNING (CORONATION Street) for money. I think Jesus uses the method with me to keep WINDING me up. Like WINDSOR High the Archie style comics I think might be made on me. And sands WINDING through the hourglass. I think Jesus Christ out of all would be portrayed as the main antagonist in the Days series. A lot of my problems and setbacks caused by him. Not caring him rigging things for me to do TURNS people on me when first impressions are important. My mother's name CHRISTine with once 'CA' tattooed on her hand and a married name like SCORINGE. Maybe meaning Christ has no CARING for me. I may never get real support on Earth. But he might do these things to me ignoring the feelings of my fans from my powerful miracles in space. And I think in my case if people did the above to me these people. He would take them to Heaven because they are close to God, live otherwise good Christian lives. And I would be forced to love Lois properly when she can do what she wants. And I would need to try with God. But because my feelings aren't genuine and deep down I hate Jesus I would go to Hell. -I STREAKED around the block like makers of a TV series about me saying it is Jesus Christ's fault of my slips in my personality. Getting on a bus twice in a month and being corrupted by a man looking like Tony STARK as in STREAKING. And what happened to the New Teen Titans in their comic from the two stories called RUNAWAYS their lives went downhill for good almost. The massive Record Deal I might have missed out on. I now think the top singles in it might have gone on for good. Like a New Zealand actress ROBYN Malcolm showed up who worked on the TV series Outrageous Fortune. And despite my miracles that would be the once forever time it was done. And Jesus Christ messed it up   

New Menu

-all life can form these foods and drinks. Already prepared. But healthy and not fattening if possible. They can form them in their mouths or bodies or near them

  -6 Pack of Lemon Pepper Fish

-8 Bottles of Sugar Free Cola

-3 Pack of Up and Go Strawberry

-1 x Large Box of Roses Chocolates

-Large Pavlova 

-1 x Marcel's 6 Double Love Sweet Crepes

-1 x Lemon

-Dairy Milk Block

-Caramelo Block

-Peppermint Chocolate 

-1 x Arnotts Iced Animals

-2 x Medium Chicken

-Dr Bugs Candy Floss

-3 Pack Mock Cream Buns

-Arnotts Family Favorite Biscuits


-Bluebird Thin Salt and Vinegar Chips

-Fibre One Chocolate Fudge Brownies 

-Cookie Time the Original 7 Pack

Endings...and Beginnings

   -when I was very young living in 12 James Cook Street Havelock North

-once in paddocks at the end of the Street

-I saw lying in a ditch the full skeleton of a man

-a SKELETON. His BONES like the SPAGHETTI Toasted Sandwiches I was making

-a spaghetti strand a small moving worm

-the skeleton. Like it caused the death of everything but me


-the end of everything caused by

-JENNY CROOK- JENETTE Kahn and the stars trying to steal my Inheritance 

-COOK- the worm and food I was COOKING

-Captain James Cook's ship the ENDEAVOUR / END DESTROYER

-all of space destroyed by like my earliest memory of coming in to live in our new home for the first / last time

-and finding in a kitchen cupboard a tin of GRIFFINS SAMPLER biscuits

-space destroyed by GRIFFINS / people trying to steal my INHERITANCE. SAMPLER / stars trying to turn me in to Anakin SKYWALKER

-in 1985 I might have been mentally ill

-one day truant I was at home. I was thinking as if the New Teen Titans Jet was on the roof of our old spare garage. Member Wonder Girl was in it. They wouldn't take me to live with them on their Earth. I became slightly wound up/ the stars stealing my Inheritance that would mean I could always live in my home securely 

-I took an axe and broke WINDOWS around the local houses. Also destroying all of space. Caused by people trying to turn me and WONDER Girl in to Darth Vader. The axe like a Light Sabre

-I nearly hit my grandmother MAY ELSIE Ager on the head with it. MAY or ELSE. Like Donna Troy was meant to have died with a power sword through her from ECLIPSO. Creators trying to set her and me both as the real Darth Vaders

-the day I got home from the Ward. Free from Matron JANE FRANCE. FRANCIS, JENETTE, LANE, FRIENDLY, FIANCE, FRIENDS

-the windows were repaired

-the day I got home I was standing in my bedroom. My body vibrated and I went blind for several seconds. I bought a replacement book of Showcase Presents ECLIPSO. Eclipso was BRUCE GORDAN. My body VIBRATED and I went BLIND like Flash / BARRY ALLEN. Over the first seven months of 1985 I had an ongoing developing daydream life I was Champion a super hero with super-speed powers. Barry Allen collected comics. ECLIPSO / BLIND. BRUCE GORDAN / VIBRATING

-the Watcher is meant to look like made up of sack or clothes of sack. Fawn sack covering all of him. Tied at the ends of limbs by ROPE. The ropes like chains Jenette Kahn has me in. And the spaghetti and the worm

-part of all of space being destroyed are problems I have had trying to go back to ordering back issue comics from MILE HIGH Comics. The two very long black hairs I found in my home on two times. The Dealer Wig MORE

-two really long black HAIRS I don't know where they came from. Both I found about 2010

-one I found on my DINNER PLATE while eating at the table

-the next hair I found on my BED SPREAD. For almost anyone has the power to do or create anything. Up to one MILE HIGH in each direction at a time. Like the GARDEN BED that gives me my miracle powers is SPREAD. When I ordered new comics from Mile High Comics in 1989 in a catalog was a picture of a man looking like Archie style character Binky BIGGS. But it wasn't him. He was lying in BED maybe naked under a sheet. His ends of his legs and feet were poking out of the end of the sheets like they were SPREAD. There was his girlfriend a flirty looking woman with long blonde hair named Yours Faithfully / Truly. Maybe saying now most can do anything and don't need to use my ideas. And a character an elderly woman called The WITCH. A really long black hair for almost all with the power of a God

-about 1991 on a table in front of a downtown bookstore. Was a magazine with a fictional photo of star Mark Wahlberg. His leg hairs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced. Standing for the spaghetti and worm that destroyed space. And by it an INDEPENDENT Comic. Like stars trying to steal my INHERITANCE that would of meant I could always live INDEPENDENTLY



-STAR WARS- on a SITMAR FAIRSTAR Cruise in 1983 I saw a couple a few times looking just like Charles and Diana. She had a full beard. DIANA / ANAKIN. He wore a pink sleeveless top. The maybe pregnant Gym Instructor. On the front of it were a lot of multi-colored rods. Like Light Sabres. And looking like the spaghetti and worm

-possibly all or most of the threats to me I Posted that I wanted removed. When the new version of space began they never were real

-in old Captain Marvel comics he got his powers from the few story tall white pointed ROCK of ETERNITY. The MOUNTAIN with the RESTAURANT of ETERNITY on it

Computer Projection

 -in 1980 in Form 1 of Otumoetai Intermediate in Mr. Gerry Hart's Class

-I drew a largish picture of the TINTIN characters

-TIN TIN me MATT the ANTI Christ

-TIN TIN maybe saying I MATT are ALL the ANTI figures of REVELATIONS of the Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Magog and Gog

-the teacher got me up in front of the Class because he thought I did a good job of it

-a girl next to me named MARAMA. As in me like MARKY MARK and the pencil MARKS I did in the Super Adventure Album 3's panels

-she thought the white dog I drew was a SHEEP. I might be like David the SHEPHERD. Tintin books were done by a man named HERGE. As in HERD and SHEPHERD

-around the largish logo at the top of my drawing I put the name TINTIN in a rectangle shaped box. With curved corners at each corner

-I now see that looks like the old Justice League of America logo

-TIN TIN maybe representing 666

-I didn't take the picture home with me. The next year I somehow saw it through the window of a slightly small and strange storage room. It was part of the edge of Classrooms

-by that was the field. Once I remembered at the top of the field near the storage room

-overflowed EXCRETION. Like saying how I shaped CHRISTIANITY

-TIN TIN like I might have made God and Jesus reflections of each other

-the logo I did of the name 'TINTIN'. As in 'TV' as in when I typed Christ Publish it might have caused how parts of the Bible are. And like that screen I drew that might be how part of what I do might be Computer Projected 



   -today I emailed my Budget Advisor to say I will just continue to lose weight. And I need to have a few times a week each of Lemon Pepper Fish. And a large piece of Steak. That I can cook quickly and easily. And I find eating them easy and likeable. And once a week cooking a whole Roast Chicken with potatoes and kumara

-and the save of my life. I realized how bad my problems were not being able to walk a block. I would one day get a bike damage. And really would wind up stuck. Likely lying on the side of the Road. Hoping the Police would pick me up. It takes an Ambulance well over an hour and they need to keep calling you to find out what's wrong. The idea of a Mobility Scooter would never really work and doomed for more disaster. I need to take a Taxi to all places. I might only go out once a week and the Taxi rides both ways probably only comes to $25

Reasons Not to be a Star

  -I believe Jenette Kahn would be waiting to destroy my life over and over

-a mass of stars go along with work. Maybe aimed to trap me to be just like Darth Vader. And promote my wife being like Lois Lane and having public affairs. I would have to put up with maybe most songs etc like that

-if someone like Superman came along. Like if he was the Messiah. He would probably hate me the most. Based on my life's history. I could get no support no matter what he does to me

-I don't want messy attention and stories about me. The Anti-Christ 'the King of Terror and rules all nations with an Iron Rod.' The Second Beast 'does mighty miracles for 40 months.' And other Revelations figures named like the False Prophet and the Destroyer

-if I found proof of my story but the public didn't know I might be able to go on living like I have. If I was famous I would have to live a life like a Royal. Including maybe having to get married and have children

-I would look like a rock, showing no real enthusiasm 

-I wouldn't handle abuse from stars well

-I don't like the way modern stars look and I dislike people with their style of personalities 

-I think maybe most stars would usually never talk to me. But I would still have to talk to them

-I would always be self-conscious 

-I would feel uncomfortable going in stores. But I would still be expected to go out

-I would normally buy an apartment and have a pair of Bodyguards / Cook. I don't think I would be allowed it. I would not be allowed to buy the home or property I want. I think my neighbors would hate me

-all my family in New Zealand would hate me

-I would have to be babied constantly 

-I might have missed out on the biggest record deal ever and maybe recording my songs I wrote

-there is really nothing I would get out of being a star. There is nothing I could want to spend my money on

-I am awkward and a klutz

-I would be expected to go to star parties. The red carpet events. Stars are meant to hit record stores and radio interviews etc hard

-I think every stupid thing and mistake I have made would be printed

-if things go wrong I could wind up looking like an idiot. I think there is a good chance it could be the biggest train wreck. I could easily have the worse image of any public figure ever

-I am likely to have a hollow life

-I inherited $780, 000. Enough to live on the rest of my life in my unit where I have been happiest. If I didn't I would have to do a Record Deal. Maybe because I inherited all that it is saying that was partly the reason of it

-the main reasons not to. Jenette Kahn in America. And my ideas my home at the Garden of Eden provides protection, food etc When one day around the world it might be gone


 -in 1979 the mother of a boy from School named CHRIS PILDITCH took us to the Mount Surf Beach

-I found on the beach a Plate sized rock maybe shaped like Australia. Near where once was LEISURE Island

-I pretended to have collapsed on the Surf Beach

-LEISURE Island- LUCIFER / Stan Lee LEIBER. This created the new afterlife. The local 8 blocks with through the outside doors leading to features of my miracles

-what enabled me to set it up. The idea CHRIST maybe planning to get me DITCHED from PILL etc services. By my bike wheel getting damaged when I was too far from home. I struggle to walk a block. And I have to lie down by the side of the Road hoping someone would come to help


   -about 1981 I was in my grandparents' Games Room -I was listening to the radio -the female newsreader read A man won't be celebra...